Nakon predaje aplikacije za stipendiju, nagodisnjem sastanku anesteziologa Srbije u Beoradu odrzanom u novembru 2016. godine , saznao sam da sam dobitnik nagrade fonda „Svetlane Cece Erdeljan“ koja podrazumeva boravak od mesec dana u nekoj od bolnica u Velikoj Britaniji. Imao sam sreće da dobijem mogućnost da se usavršavam u Univezitetskoj bolnici „King's College“ u Londonu i da sarađujem sa Prof. dr Zokom Milan kao mentorom.O bolnici King’s College sam čuo već ranije. Ono što odmah mogu da kažem o njoj na početku i da je opišem ukratko upotrebljavajući samo tri reči: stručnost, iskustvo i ljubaznost . 12.septembra počela moja avantura kada sam stigao u London. Već sutradan sam bio u bolnici „King's College“. King's College je jedna od brojnih univerzitetskih medicinskih centara u Londonu i ima 900 kreveta za ležeće bolesnike. Predstavlja trauma centar najvišeg nivoa za južni deo Londona, a važno je napomenuti i da je jedna od najpoznatijih ustanova u svetu koje se bave transplantacijom jetre. Naime, ovde godišnje novu jetru dobije oko 250 bolesnika. Onaj ko je pažljivije čitao dok je učio na studijama medicine može da se priseti kriterijuma King's College bolnice za transplantaciju jetre u slučaju akutne insuficijencije jetre. Da, taj bodovni sistem je nastao u ovoj ustanovi. Ponosam sam što sam imao priliku da je posetim. Boravio sam pre svega na odeljenju za hepatobilijarnu hirurgiju, gde sam mogao da obnovim i dopunim znanje o anesteziji u hirurgiji jetre, pankreasa, uključujući naravno i anesteziju za transplantaciju jetre. Na odeljenju za dnevnu hirurgiju sam takođe često boravio i stekao utisak da stvarno veliki deo operativnih zahvata može da se uradi po tipu dnevne hirurgije, što bismo mi ovde u Srbiji trebali da primenimo. Ono što bih pre svega preneo ovde u Srbiju jesu protokoli, koje mi tek počinjemo da uvodimo u našu praksu. Protokoli štite pre svega pacijenta, rezultat su primene principa dobre kliničke prakse. Takođe, pohađao sam kurs „Otežan disajni put“ u organizaciji ovog univerzitetskog medicinskog centra i doktora J. Dasan-a. Edukacija lekara na specijalizaciji u ovoj ustanovi je jedan od najvažniji zadataka svih lekara specijalista. Boravak u bolnici King’s College je bio neprocenjivo iskustvo i pomogao mi je da budem bolji i stručniji anesteziolog, a znanja da prenesem kolegama u Srbiji. Kroz ovu stipendiju, Primarijus Dr Svetlana Ceca Erdeljan je nastavila da radi na edukaciji kadrova za anaesteziju i pomaze razvoj anestezije u Novom sadu i Srbiji.
dr Arsen Uvelin, Klinički centar Novi Sad
I was honoured to be the first winner of the “Dr Svetlana Ceca Erdeljan” charity scholarship. The award was presented to me at our Serbian Anaesthetic Society meeting in November 2016. I decided to visit King’s College Hospital in London, a decision I have never regretted. My scholarship began in early September 2017. London has a population of almost 10 million and travelling can be a challenge, particularly from North London Airport to South London where King’s College Hospital is located.
I was impressed with the size of the hospital and the services provided there. King’s is famous as one of the best centres for liver transplantation in the world. It is also the trauma centre for South London, thanks to its helipad that allows quick access to urgent care. A newly built wing with a 60-bed ICU and all high-tech facilities will be opened next year.
King’s College, a research university, works closely with King’s College Hospital. The university has a reputation of exceptional research. Several Nobel Prize winners worked there. The cooperation between the university and hospital is exemplary and provides a huge benefit for students, health workers and patients.
I was impressed with the health system and all of the medical and nursing professionals who worked at the hospital. If I need to describe it in three words, it would be: professionalism, experience and kindness.
I spent time in the hepato-pancreatico-biliary and liver transplant theatres, observing anaesthesia and postoperative care.
I was also impressed with the six operating theatres in the busy day surgery unit, where regional anaesthesia had an important role.
I attended a short course on upper extremity regional anaesthesia organised by young consultants who share a special interest in regional anaesthesia.
I also attended a difficult airway course organised by Dr J. Desai. The hands-on training was a good refresher for me.
I was impressed with the comprehensive protocols for numerous procedures. Although we have already started introducing protocols, that is an area where we can make improvements in Serbia. They are created with the intention to protect patients and they are the result of good clinical practice.
This fellowship provided me with valuable experience which helped me to become a better anaesthetist, and I have since been able to transfer my knowledge to my colleagues in Serbia.
I would like to thank Professor Zoka Milan for organising this scholarship and the “Svetlana Ceca Erdelajan charity. I would also like to thank Primarius Svetlana Ceca Erdeljan for posthumously supporting the continuing education of anaesthetists in Novi Sad and Serbia.
dr Arsen Uvelin, Klinički centar Novi Sad