Nagrada fondacije „Svetlane Cece Erdeljan“ koja se dodeljuje svake godine specijalizantima I mladim specijalistima anesteziologije I podrazumeva boravak od mesec dana u nekoj od bolnica u Velikoj Britaniji, jedina je takvog tipa u Srbiji. Imala sam sreće da budem ovogodišnji dobitnik, I da boravim tokom mesec dana u Univezitetskoj bolnici „King's College“ u Londonu i da sarađujem sa dr Zokom Milan kao mentorom. Dogovoreno je da tokom maja ove godine boravim u ovoj bolnici. King’s College bolnica je poznata u svetu kao jedna od vodećih iz oblasti transplantacije jetre. Osim toga je I trauma centar za taj deo Londona I centar za edukaciju, čija su vrata otvorena svim lekarima iz celog sveta. Oduševljena sam time koliko su spremni I motivisani da prenesu znanje svakome ko je voljan da dodje I nauči nešto novo. Osim stručnosti i znanja, oduševio me je taj pre svega neposredan odnos prema svakom pacijentu. Obzirom da sam najviše vremena provela na operacijama transplantacije jetre, mogu da kažem da je to jedan složeni mehanizam koji savršeno funkcioniše. Naime, ovde godišnje novu jetru dobije oko 250 bolesnika. Ovo nije ustanova u kojoj se radi po svetskim standardima, već se ovde postavljaju standardi prakse. Ponosna sam što sam imala priliku da je posetim. Oduševljena sam saradnjom sa kolegama, koji su odgovorili na svako moje pitanje. Boravila sam i na odeljenju za hepatobilijarnu hirurgiju, gde sam imala priliku da dopunim znanje o anesteziji u hirurgiji jetre i pankreasa. Ova vrsta hirurgije se svakodnevno obavlja i u mojoj ustanovi, i svakako je korisno uporediti naš način rada sa njihovim, i implementirati nove tehnike u svakodnevnu praksu.Po pitanju sigurnosti u anesteziji, nisam uočila značajne razlike, ali po pitanju kvaliteta mnoge stvari bi se mogle popraviti u svakodnevnom radu anesteziologa u Srbiji. Takođe, pohađala sam kurs „Otežan disajni put“ u organizaciji ovog univerzitetskog medicinskog centra, kao i dvodnevni kurs „Lung Ultrasound“ u organizaciji St. Barts centra i dr Martinelija. Boravak u bolnici King’s College je bio neprocenjivo iskustvo i pomogao mi je da budem bolji i stručniji anesteziolog. Stečena znanja i veštine će mi mnogo značiti u svakodnevnom radu. Želela bih da se zahvalim prof. Dr Zoki Milan koja je osnovala fondaciju „Svetlana Ceca Erdeljan“ i ustanovila ovu nagradu. Bilo je zadovoljstvo upoznati i sarađivati sa njom. Dragana Rakić
‘’Dr Svetlana Ceca Erdeljan’’ Scholarship Foundation is the only foundation in Serbia which offers an opportunity for anesthesia residents and young anesthesiologist to work at one of the hospitals in the UK for a month. Every year, the scholarship is given to one of the residents or young medical specialists, and I was fortunate enough to be this year’s winner of the scholarship. In May 2018, as it had been previously agreed, I was provided with an opportunity to work at the King’s College Hospital in London.Prof Zoka Milan was my mentor during my stay there. I was honored to have a chance to visit the King’s College Hospital and work there, as it is known worldwide as one of the leading centers for liver transplantation. King’s College Hospital is also the Major Trauma Center for South East London, Kent and Medway and a training center. Their door is always open to doctors from all over the world. They are willing and motivated to share their knowledge with any doctor who wants to visit them and learn from them. I am delighted that my colleagues there answered each of my questions King’s College, a research university, cooperates closely with King’s College hospital. The university is considered to be an exceptional research centre. The cooperation between the university and the hospital provides major benefits for students, health workers and patients. I spent most of my stay there participating in performing liver transplantation. About 250 patients undergo this type of surgery,which is a very complex procedure, but the results are amazing. This is not an institution where world standards are in place, but standards of practice are set here. I also stayed at the Hepatobiliary Surgery Department, where I had an opportunity to learn more about anesthesia for liver and pancreatic surgery. At the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, where I work, this type of surgery is performed every day, which is why it is good to compare our techniques with those used at the Hepatobiliary Surgery Department in London and include new techniques in everyday practice. I did not notice any difference between our techniques and theirs, regarding safety in anesthesia, but in terms of quality there is still room for improvement of techniques used by anesthesiologists in Serbia. I attended the course ‘’Difficult breathing path’’ which was organized by this medical centre, as well as the two-day course ‘’Lung Ultrasound’’ organized by St. Barts Center and Dr. Martinelli and sponsored by British Medical Association. Working at King’s College Hospital was an invaluable experience and it helped me become a better and more skilled anaesthetist. The knowledge and skills I acquired there will mean a lot to me for my daily work. I would like to thank ‘’Svetlana Ceca Erdeljan’’ Scholarship Foundation and its founder, Professor Zoka Milan, who made all this possible. She is an excellent mentor and an incredible doctor. It was a great pleasure meeting her and working with her. Dragana Rakić